Introducing Hasper

Introducing Hasper

Hasper is a theme for the static site generator hugo that I started hacking primarily for the purposes of serving up content on my own blog It sources heavily from the beautiful casper theme by the folks at Ghost, hence the name: “Hasper”. If you like the styling of casper and use hugo, Hasper may be just what you are looking for.

You can get a sense for what the Hasper theme looks like by browsing around this site. Hasper is responsible for the layout and presentation of everything you see. I also run the latest version of the code here. To give you a quick idea of some of the features in Hasper, here are some screen captures with some highlights:

Hasper Home Page

hasper home

Hasper Post Page

hasper post

Hasper is open source (MIT licensed) and can be found on github at: The README there goes into more detail on how you can install and use Hasper/Hugo for your own personal website.

I welcome comments and feedback via github issues or pull requests. Please let me know if you are using the theme and how it can be improved.


Hapser has a couple of nice features out of the box:

  • multiple author support via standard hugo metadata
  • linking to individual author bio pages
  • beautiful cover/banner image support
  • configurable sharing buttons for post details
  • full support for highlightjs themes
  • splash image size user-configurable

I keep a CHANGELOG and use SemVer to help keep users abreast of any changes that may affect them.


Hasper was originally a fork of the hugo-theme-casper. However, the original author was not responding to pull requests, and I had several changes I needed, so I decided to create Hasper instead.